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India’s Farmers' Response to Modi’s BJP in the 2024 Election

India’s Farmers' Response to Modi’s BJP in the 2024 Election

Analysis of how Indian farmers shifted away from the ruling party in the 2024 election leading to a significant decline in seats.

Mumbai, India – As India's national election results unfolded, Narendra Dabhane, a farmer from Maharashtra's Yavatmal district, felt a mix of accomplishment and relief. He had been a staunch supporter of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who had pledged to address farmers' issues, including farm debt in the Vidarbha region. Despite initial promise, Modi's tenure saw worsening crises, leading to discontent among farmers. The BJP's significant seat loss in Maharashtra further validated farmers' dissatisfaction.

Similar trends emerged in key farm regions across India, impacting the BJP's overall majority. Major food-producing states witnessed a shift away from the BJP, indicating a significant drop in rural support for the party. The BJP's failure in core agricultural regions like Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh underscored the rural discontent that affected the party's performance.

An analysis revealed a decline in NDA's rural vote share, contrasting with the Congress-led alliance's rise in support from rural and semi-rural areas. Critics pointed to farmer anger towards Modi's agricultural policies as a primary reason for the BJP's rural setbacks.

The Modi government's handling of farming issues, especially the contentious farm laws introduced in 2020, triggered massive farmer protests. While the laws were eventually repealed after prolonged demonstrations, the resentment among farmers persisted, influencing their voting decisions.

The political activism sparked by the farmer protests led to a pushback against the BJP in various states, symbolizing a collective voice of rural India against the ruling party's policies. The election results reflected a growing prioritization of farm identity over other affiliations, emphasizing the farmers' unified stance in key agricultural regions.



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