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Distribution of World's Millionaires and Global Wealth Overview

Distribution of World's Millionaires and Global Wealth Overview

An analysis of the distribution of millionaires worldwide and the division of global wealth among different populations.

The world has approximately 58 million US dollar millionaires, representing 1.5 percent of the global adult population, as per the 2024 UBS Global Wealth Report (PDF). The United States holds the largest number of millionaires, followed by China, the United Kingdom, France, and Japan. UBS defines wealth as the value of financial and real assets minus household debts. Global wealth in dollar terms grew by 4.2 percent in 2023 after a 3 percent decline in 2022. Samuel Adams from UBS pointed out that the UK is expected to lose a significant number of millionaires by 2028. A significant portion of the world's wealth, 47.5 percent or $213 trillion, is held by just 1.5 percent of the global adult population, constituting households with more than $1 million. In contrast, those with wealth less than $10,000 hold only 0.5 percent of global wealth. The fastest-growing millionaires from 2000 to 2023 included Qatar, China, and Kazakhstan. UBS reported that Asia Pacific saw the most significant wealth growth, followed by the Americas and Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. The United States, Western Europe, and China host the highest share of millionaires globally. Switzerland leads in the percentage of millionaires per population, followed by Hong Kong, Australia, the Netherlands, and the US.


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