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Coping with Climate Change: Scientists Resort to Civil Disobedience and Therapy

Climate scientists are increasingly turning to acts of civil disobedience and specialized therapy to manage the growing anxiety and frustration stemming from climate change.

Wikipedia Clash: Intense Dispute Over Israel’s Nuseirat Raid

Editors on Wikipedia lock horns over the recent Israeli raid in Nuseirat refugee camp, sparking a heated debate on the platform.

Scrutiny of US Universities' Links to Defense Firms Amid Gaza Conflict

Activists highlight historical connections between academia and defense contractors involved in Israel's warfare.

Boeing’s 70-Year Journey: A Chronology of Achievements and Challenges

Boeing, established in 1916, has navigated through significant milestones and setbacks over its extensive history in aviation.

Can Seed-Sowing Drones Combat Worldwide Deforestation?

The use of drones in reforesting depleted areas in Brazil is gaining traction – but how effective has this method been?

Russia Imprisons Hypersonic Missile Expert for 14 Years on Treason Charges

Anatoly Maslov is one of several notable Russian scientists recently accused of treason.

Archaeologists Uncover Evidence of Ancient Human Habitation in East Timor 44,000 Years Ago

New findings from East Timor provide significant insights into early human settlements, with artefacts suggesting habitation 44,000 years ago.

A concise history of traffic lights and the potential need for a new hue

The original traffic light design in 1868 caused an explosive issue, and the current design has seen little change in a century. Autonomous vehicles might necessitate a new color.

Understanding the Viral 'All eyes on Rafah' Social Media Phenomenon

An AI-generated image bearing the message 'All eyes on Rafah' has garnered over 46 million shares amid ongoing Israeli attacks on Rafah in Gaza.

California firefighters advance in controlling first major wildfire of the year

The western US state has faced increasing challenges with wildfires that have become larger and more destructive over the past decade.

SpaceX's Starship achieves a major milestone with first successful re-entry

The recent flight of SpaceX's Starship marks a significant step forward in its goal to one day transport humans to Mars.

Evidence of Ancient Egyptian Brain Cancer Surgery Discovered

Researchers find indications of ancient Egyptian physicians performing brain cancer surgeries.