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India exports Rockets and Explosives to Israel amid Conflict with Gaza

India exports Rockets and Explosives to Israel amid Conflict with Gaza

Documents reveal that India is exporting weapons to Israel during the Gaza conflict, raising diplomatic concerns.

In the early morning hours of May 15, the cargo vessel Borkum halted near the Spanish coast, sparking suspicions of carrying weapons for Israel. Leftist European Parliament members requested an inspection, but the ship proceeded to the Slovenian port of Koper. The ship, originating from Chennai, India, circumnavigated Africa to deliver explosives and rockets to Israel's port of Ashdod. Documents reveal detailed cargo contents and confidentiality clauses regarding the shipment. Another cargo ship, Marianne Danica, was denied entry to Cartagena for carrying explosives to Israel. These incidents highlight India's covert weapon exports to Israel during the Gaza conflict, drawing concerns over transparency and potential collaboration. The video evidence showing missile remains with a label "Made in India" adds to suspicions of Indian contributions to Israel's arms arsenal. Collaboration between India and Israel extends beyond rocket parts, involving the manufacture of drones and UAVs. Premier Explosives Limited's exports to Israel, including propellants for Barak missiles, indicate a longstanding partnership. The Adani Elbit UAV Complex in Hyderabad manufactures drones for both domestic and export purposes, emphasizing technology transfer between India and Israel. India's geopolitical balancing act between Israel and Palestine faces scrutiny as reports of arms transfers to Israel surface. The historical context of India's diplomatic relations with both sides underscores the complexities of its foreign policy stance. Prime Minister Modi's approach towards Israel has evolved, leading to strategic partnerships and nuanced positions on international resolutions regarding the Gaza conflict. The growing military collaboration between India and Israel, encompassing arms exports and drone production, raises questions about India's alignment with conflicting interests in the Middle East. The intricate dynamics of India's foreign policy towards Israel reflect broader geopolitical ambitions and strategic calculations amidst regional tensions and global diplomatic pressures.


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