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US Supreme Court Decision Alters Regulatory Landscape

The US Supreme Court's recent decision marks a significant shift in regulatory oversight, favoring business interests over government regulations.

The Impact of 14 Years of Tory Rule on Britons' Finances

A look at how Britons have been financially affected after 14 years of Conservative government.

Warning from 16 Nobel Prize-Winning Economists about the Economic Impacts of a Trump Re-election

Multiple Nobel laureates caution that a re-elected Trump could lead to economic instability and inflation.

Kenya’s Ruto ready for dialogue with demonstrators on tax increase

Kenya’s President William Ruto expresses willingness to engage in conversation with peaceful protesters opposing proposed tax hikes.

Prosecutors Push for Criminal Charges Against Boeing in Settlement Breach

US Justice Department is urged to prosecute Boeing for violating a settlement linked to fatal crashes.

Australia’s Major Supermarkets to Face Severe Fines for Supplier Mistreatment

The Australian government introduces fines of up to 10% of annual turnover for supermarket chains violating supplier code.

China-backed hackers intensifying attacks on Taiwan, cybersecurity company reports

A cybersecurity firm has documented the increased activities of a suspected China-backed hacking group targeting organizations in Taiwan.

Lithium battery plant fire in South Korea kills at least 22

A tragic fire incident at a lithium battery plant in South Korea results in the loss of lives and injuries.

China Premier's Call for Unity at Economic Forum

Chinese Premier Li Qiang emphasizes the importance of opposing economic decoupling and promoting cooperation among nations during the "Summer Davos" conference in Dalian.

US sanctions ‘sprawling shadow banking network’ aiding Iran’s military

The United States Department of the Treasury has imposed economic sanctions on entities facilitating Iran's military.

Canada mulling tariffs on EVs made in China

Canada is considering imposing tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles due to concerns about unfair competition arising from China's 'state-driven' surplus in EVs and will seek public consultation on the matter.

Yellen to Unveil New Measures to Increase Housing Supply as Election Approaches

The focus on housing affordability becomes a major issue in the upcoming elections, prompting new government initiatives.