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Bolivian president expresses gratitude following thwarted coup

Bolivian president expresses gratitude following thwarted coup

President Luis Arce emerges in control after a failed coup attempt, receiving support from regional organizations amid military presence in the capital.

Amid global outcry, a purported coup endeavor in Bolivia has waned, with President Luis Arce affirming his dominance over the nation’s military. Initially, troops under the command of army general Juan Jose Zuniga had besieged the presidential palace, positioning themselves in the surrounding square. Reports indicated that a tank forcefully shut the palace doors. However, Zuniga later urged the soldiers to retreat following international condemnation of the military's actions as unlawful. President Arce celebrated the withdrawal as a triumph for Bolivia’s democracy and thanked its citizens for their support during the purported coup. He stood firm against Zuniga and a group of soldiers, commanding the withdrawal of troops, emphasizing his authority. Zuniga was eventually apprehended by authorities. The episode exposed the prevalent political turmoil affecting Arce's government, plagued by clashes from both left and right factions, economic woes, and pressure to retain power. The country also endured fuel shortages and a plunging currency value, exacerbating the socio-political landscape. The unrest and subsequent events underscore the fragility of Bolivia’s democratic institutions and its history of political upheavals. International leaders vehemently condemned the purported coup, advocating for peace and denouncing any assault on democratic processes. The solidarity expressed by global leaders underlies the escalating fragility of Bolivia’s political landscape.


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