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Palestinian man alleges mistreatment by Israeli forces without explanation

Palestinian man alleges mistreatment by Israeli forces without explanation

Mujahed Abadi recounts his traumatic experience of being shot, beaten, and tied to a jeep by Israeli forces.

Mujahed Abadi says he hasn't been able to sleep since Israeli forces shot him, beat him, and tied him to the hood of a military vehicle two days ago, seemingly using him as a human shield.

Speaking to Al Jazeera Arabic from Ibn Sina Hospital in the West Bank on Monday, Abadi stated that Israeli troops did not provide any reasons for their actions.

Video footage of the incident in Jenin, a city in the northern occupied West Bank, on Saturday has incited international outrage and calls for accountability.

Abadi, 24, said he had stepped out of his uncle’s house in Jenin while Israeli forces were conducting a raid in the area.

He was shot in the arm and leg and then hid behind a nearby vehicle for nearly two hours while bleeding, until Israeli troops discovered him and began assaulting him, including targeting his bullet wounds.

“It was a huge shock. At that moment, I wished I were dead,” said Abadi, adding that although he was unarmed, the soldiers did not offer any help and instead intended to inflict more pain.

“Two soldiers picked me up by my hands and feet and swung me back and forth to toss me at the military vehicle,” he said.

“The first time, I fell to the ground, aggravating my injuries. The second time, one of them hurled me against the vehicle.”

The heat from the vehicle's hood caused burns all over his back, Abadi told Al Jazeera.

He said after being driven around on the military jeep, he was eventually dropped off at a house and handed over to Palestinian medics.

“Their only intention was to torture and beat me. After committing these acts, they finally asked for my name,” said the 24-year-old Palestinian.

“They offered no explanation whatsoever. They only seemed interested in causing more pain and were laughing while beating me.”

The Israeli military confirmed the event on Saturday, calling Abadi “one of the suspects” targeted in the raid who was “injured and apprehended.”

“In violation of orders and standard protocols, the suspect was taken by the forces while tied on top of a vehicle,” the Israeli military said in a statement.

“The conduct shown in the video does not align with the values of the [Israeli military]. The incident will be investigated and handled accordingly.”

However, Abadi insisted he was merely a bystander, not a wanted individual, citing his brief detention as proof.

The Israeli military has frequently conducted lethal raids in the West Bank over the past few years, a campaign that has intensified following the onset of the war on Gaza in October.

Since October 7, at least 553 Palestinians, including 137 children, have been killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank, according to Palestinian health authorities, with thousands of others detained by Israel.

The incident in Jenin on Saturday sparked global condemnation.

Belgium’s Deputy Prime Minister Petra De Sutter expressed her shock at the violence inflicted by Israeli forces.

“How many such inhumanities must we witness before sanctioning Israel?” De Sutter posted on social media on Sunday.

The United States also condemned the incident. “The practice was completely unacceptable. People should never be used as human shields,” stated State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller on Monday.

However, Miller welcomed Israel’s pledge to investigate the apparent abuse, calling it “appropriate.”

Israel rarely prosecutes its soldiers for violations against Palestinians.

United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese described Abadi’s treatment as “using a human shield.”

“It is staggering how a state established 76 years ago has managed to completely undermine international law,” she expressed on the social media platform X.

Abadi's injuries include a broken arm from the bullet impact, a wounded leg, burns on his back, and psychological trauma.

“To date, I haven't been able to sleep properly. I am suffering from severe psychological distress. I try to sleep but wake up immediately,” Abadi said.



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