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Samsung Employees in South Korea Initiate First Industrial Action

The national union of Samsung Electronics seeks higher wages for its thousands of members.

South Korean DJ's Monk Attire Sparks Controversy in Singapore

A South Korean DJ's performances in monk robes have stirred discontent among Buddhists in Singapore, leading to official complaints and government intervention.

Myanmar's War-Traumatized Children Face a Bleak Future

Women and children in regions like Karenni endure the psychological scars of military airstrikes and violent confrontations.

Art Initiative Aims to Reduce Imprisonment Among Indigenous Australians

Indigenous Australians form a significant portion of the prison population, but The Torch is striving to change this by offering art and cultural programs.

New York Museum Honors Tiananmen Memories 35 Years On

Artifacts like a bloodstained blouse and military medal commemorate the harsh crackdown on student protests in China in 1989.

US Sanctions Target Malaysia’s Semiconductor Sector Over Alleged Russia Aid

Kuala Lumpur’s Jatronics accused of supplying crucial parts to Russia amid the Ukraine conflict.

Haiti's Interim Government Assembles New Cabinet

A new government is formed in Haiti ahead of the anticipated deployment of an international security force led by Kenya.

Leader of France’s Republicans Seeks Partnership with Le Pen's National Rally

Eric Ciotti, head of the French Republicans, advocates for a nationwide coalition with Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally ahead of upcoming elections.

North Korea Launches More Waste Balloons to South Korea Following Kim Yo Jong's Warning

Kim Yo Jong issued a warning about a 'crisis of confrontation' if propaganda broadcasts in South Korea did not stop.

Taiwan adopts a 'realistic' strategy to maintain diplomatic ties amidst China's pressure

Taipei opts for practicality over ideology in its relations with its diplomatic partners, but this may not suffice to counter Beijing's influence.

South Korea Fires Warning Shots as North Korean Soldiers Cross DMZ

Incident at the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between the two Koreas on Sunday triggered South Korean military response.

Global Neglect of Vulnerable Refugees: The Worst-Affected Areas

A Norwegian Refugee Council report highlights the world's most neglected displacement crises, with nine out of ten countries listed being African nations.